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The first step in creating a versatile wardrobe is to decide what style you desire. To put it another way, you need to figure out what you should be wearing to create the look you desire.


As you think about the style you desire, don’t worry whether or not you can pull off a particular style or outfit. Once you figure out what you like, you can find ways to wear the style of clothes so that they are appropriate for your body shape and lifestyle.


It’s impossible to create a versatile wardrobe when you have no direction or goal in mind. What you get is a closet full of clothes that you don’t want to wear and that won’t make different outfits. And clothes that still have tags on them.


We can all use a reality style check. It is very easy to end up with a style that makes you no longer feel good about yourself. The young professional whose wardrobe reflects who she was at twenty-two, not who she is at twenty-nine. The man who has lost a significant amount of weight, yet still buys baggy, unflattering clothes. Or the mother who has focused so much energy on her family that she’s forgotten herself, only to wake up one day and wonder why she is so unhappy with herself.


Whatever your situation, creating style goals is easy. Simply decide how you want to look and what you need to wear in order to create the style you desire.


Tips on how to discover your style goals:


·        Observe what people are wearing when you think to yourself, “Wow! They look great!” Do you notice a pattern in what you like? If so, you’re onto something.


·        Notice if you gravitate toward a particular style or look. Are you constantly drawn to classic sophisticate, bohemian chic, or preppy? Make note of this. 


·        Ask yourself if you want to look younger, more modern, more professional, more put together. Then ask yourself why.


·        Pretend you live in a perfect world with none of your lifestyle and body constraints. Now, how would you like to dress? 


·        Cut out images in fashion magazines to narrow down what you really like. Don’t focus on what you think you can wear. Focus on the style you like. 


Take some time to answer the above questions. Write down you answers and refer back to them as you develop a versatile wardrobe that fits your personal style.


This is an excerpt from our Style Guide: 5 Steps to a Stress-Free and Versatile Wardrobe.  To view the entire style guide for FREE logon to our website and sign up for our mailing list.  Once you have signed up for our mailing list the link will be emailed to you.  



For more  help creating style goals contact the Charleston Style Concierge.  We can help you develop a unique personal style that fits your budget and lifestyle.


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